Growing together.
Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.
At Miner Baptist, our goal as a youth group is to answer the call God gives us in Psalm 27:8. We seek to encounter Him and His transformational love in all that we do so we can best serve those around us. Whether we have a Bible study, retreat, mission trip, or game night, our mission is the same: pursuing the abundant life Jesus Christ died to give us.

Sunday Mornings
Our life groups are a great time of fellowship and reflection. We break out into groups based on age and gender to talk about what we face on a daily basis and how to stand firm in our foundation of faith.
Small Groups
Get Connected. Go Deeper.
Wednesday at 6:00pm
Wednesday Nights we come together as one group to eat food and play games! Afterwards, we have Bible study which focuses on how to draw closer to the heart of God.
Wednesday Nights we come together as one group to eat food and play games! Afterwards, we have Bible study which focuses on how to draw closer to the heart of God.